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Friday, December 11, 2009

Sooooo one of the first times (if not THE first time) I met Melissa I slammed her hand in a sliding door and broke all of her fingers (seriously, they were purple and green in like 30 seconds!). Beat that. But hey, i just wanted to make sure she had something that would never go away to always remind her of me (aka scars across her fingers that are still there today.) So we didn't start off on the best foot but she forgave me (or at least made me believe that she did) :) and Mel soon became a welcomed and much loved addition to our family. No matter how bad Melisa has felt these past few years she always asks how I am or if I need anything...not to mention she raised she most precious boy on this entire planet (which I know the manners he does have have nothing to do with Boo...)
I am sure I will share many more memories as the days go by...


1 comment:

RememberMel said...

Thanks to Boo and Melisa, I was honored to be able to take her to Jackson a couple of times. To listen and share with this young woman was the most rewarding and uplifting times of my faith. She constantly repeated that she knew God had a plan with all this. We talked about our prayers for healing and understanding His plan. This angel truly renewed my faith as she has touched sooo many others with her amazing faith. During these times I have been asked a couple of times if I were her mother, which they didn't know what an honor this title would be for me to share.

She was so concerned about wanting to bake a cake for the nurses in Dr. Young's office. Here she was having that awful chemo running into her little body and she was wanting to do for others. That was our Melisa.