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Friday, December 11, 2009

Festival of Lights

I met Melisa, Boo and Aidan at church. Melisa always went the extra mile with everything that she did for the children's ministry at FUMC. She loved working VBS! Today, I stopped by the church to pick tickets up for tomorrow night's Festival of Lights program. To my surprise and excitement, a DVD of last year's performance was with my tickets. I was unable to attend last year's performance due to a family need in Florida and I missed seeing my daughter perform with the youth choir. Tonight I had the joy of watching last year's program. Mel and Aidan are sitting on the front pew smiling, singing, and clapping to the beautiful Christmas music and story. Mel looks so angelic and strong with her sparkling eyes and big smile and Aidan is so happy. She is truly a beautiful lady and will be missed. I'm so happy that I had the opportunity to know Mel!

~ Lisa Hearn

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