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Monday, December 14, 2009

Melisa was one of our son's Sunday School teachers. He always enjoyed the days she taught; he said she was a good teacher. We've prayed for her during her battle with cancer. On Sunday, as we discussed her death and all that it means for her and for her family, Ben shared his thoughts on it. He said something like this... "I think it's neat that Mrs. Melisa died and went to heaven today because today is JOY Sunday." (On the the third Sunday in Advent we celebrate the Joy we have in Jesus.) He continued, "And we've been talking in church about how joy is deeper than happiness and how we can have joy even when we aren't happy... so it is neat that she gets to go to heaven on Joy Sunday." I've enjoyed getting to know Melisa and Boo through our VBS program, and so appreciate her giving to Ben and other kids through our children's ministry at FUMC. She had a special way with the kids. And so does Boo! We will continue to pray for you and Aiden.
Linda Griffith

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